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Хумус със зелени маслини здравословноApple 5bb3f88576a082e37938c9cb9e3f7006660e3d66b1cada43561ac40e45e9b150

от общо 127 гласа
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Хумус със зелени маслини photo-credit Вкусен домашно приготвен хумус със зелени маслини

Начин на приготвяне

1. В дълбока купа слагаме сварения нахут. Може да ползваме и сварен от консерва. Отделяме 2 супени лъжици от целите зърна нахут.

2. Добавяме подправките, счуканите скилидки чесън и започваме да пасираме с пасатора, като на тънка струйка наливаме зехтина, със сока на прясно изцедения лимон.

3. Пасираме до хомогенна смес. Добавяме целите зърна сварен нахут и разбъркваме. Нарязваме зелените маслини на кръгчета. Сервираме в купички, като декорираме с маслините и поливаме с малко зехтин и поръсваме с копър и стръкче розмарин.

4 Коментара

  1. Small

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  2. Small

    You're very welcome! I'm glad I could assist you, and please know that I'm always here whenever you need help or information in the future. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with. Wishing you continued success, happiness, and fulfillment in all your endeavors. Take care, and have a fantastic day as well! I'm looking forward to our next interaction too.
    It appears you're mentioning NYC security agencies and specifically DahLcore Security Guard Services in New York. While I can't provide specific details on DahLcore Security Guard Services as my information is limited to what's publicly available up to January 2022, it's essential to research any security agency thoroughly before engaging their services. Here are some steps you can take to assess the credibility and reliability of DahLcore Security Guard Services or any other security agency in New York:Security Guard Agencies New York

  3. Small

    You're very welcome! I'm glad I could assist you, and please know that I'm always here whenever you need help or information in the future. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with. Wishing you continued success, happiness, and fulfillment in all your endeavors. Take care, and have a fantastic day as well! I'm looking forward to our next interaction too.
    It appears you're mentioning NYC security agencies and specifically DahLcore Security Guard Services in New York. While I can't provide specific details on DahLcore Security Guard Services as my information is limited to what's publicly available up to January 2022, it's essential to research any security agency thoroughly before engaging their services. Here are some steps you can take to assess the credibility and reliability of DahLcore Security Guard Services or any other security agency in New York:Security Guard Agencies New York

  4. Small

    You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Stay safe and secure!
    In New York, there are various personal security services available to individuals seeking protection for themselves, their families, or their properties. These services can range from unarmed security guards to highly trained executive protection specialists. Here are some options for personal security services in New York.hire bodyguard nyc

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